Natural remedy for brain fog and memory loss

Diseases such as Alzheimer's are characterized by memory loss, a stage called as dementia. Partial to complete memory loss can result as the disease progresses. The initial stage of Alzheimer's can be tackled by incorporating proper nutrition in the diet regimen, to prevent further complications of loss of memory. As explained in the article earlier, dementia can cause complete loss of memory leading to forgetfulness. 
Now a days research suggests that coconut oil tremendously shows marvelous effects of reversing dementia in type 3 diabetes. Coconut oil contains high amount of saturate fats known as MCT. MCT stands for Medium chain triglycerides, which belong to class of fatty acids with 6-12 Carbon atoms. It includes 60 percent of caprylic acid, caprice acid and Lauric acid. When they break down in the body they result in the formation of ketones. 
Importance of ketones is that they help to provide enough energy to the brain. It is recommended to take 20 to 30 gram of coconut oil every day, to obtain normal levels of ketones. Organic cold pressed virgin coconut oil is best for Alzheimer's disease
What is brain fog?
Brain fog is also known as brain fatigue which creates lot of mental confusion. This confusion is accompanied by memory loss, inability to recollect things and events. For example you may decide to take a bath, but once you reach your bathroom, you may experience forgetfulness and start wondering the reason for what have you entered the bathroom. Such events frequently happen during the entire day. Often patients with Alzheimer’s disease may experience brain fog. They are confused and unclear about the actions that they are doing or intend to do. There are many causes of brain fog such as lack of sleep, commonly known as insomnia, stress, anxiety and depression, hormonal changes, deficiency of vitamin B12, alzheimer’s disease and other neurological problems. Brain fog often accompanies with lack of concentration and focus. 
Coconut oil may help to deal with brain fog and confusion.  Coconut oil provides your brain with required energy to perform various activities and may help to deal with hormonal imbalances. Coconut oil provides with memory boosting properties which may help to clear your brain fog and confusion. It is researched to have 6 table spoons of coconut oil per day for patients with Alzheimer’s and parkinson’s diseases. 
Neurodegeneration and Coconut oil:
Sometimes diabetes may also trigger neurodegeneration and memory loss. High blood sugar is known to create neurotoxic enzymes known as Advanced Glycolytic Enzymes (AGE’s) that tremendously increase neuronal oxidative stress. In such cases, coconut oil that is rich in auric acid, may help to manage with neurodegeneration due to high sugar levels.
Mental alertness and coconut oil:
MCT improves mental performance in children and adults. ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is often characterized by incapability of paying attention and lack of alertness.  It is well known in many of the scientific journals that mixing 2 drops of vetiver oil with coconut oil and applying the same on the scalp improve your attention and alertness. Using 2-3 table spoons of coconut oil in cooking, may help to deal with focus and attention. 
Coconut oil mixed with olive oil:
Combination of coconut oil mixed with olive oil is also helpful in boosting your brain function. This combination of oils is considered as best brain food. Olive oil is best source of vitamin E. When it is combined with coconut oil, its effect increases two times. When vitamin E combines with Vitamin C in our body, it is best known to fight against neurological problems. This combination is very effective in supplying blood and nutrients to the brain, improving your brain performance.
